Monday, December 04, 2006


If my last two posts were about complaints of life in general, this one should basically target me like "Nokia! connecting people". So what is applicable to my views of the world should connect me too...if you cannot figure out what i said...go get your IQ checked!

Well, isn't that rude, i mean if you don't understand what gibberish i wrote, you probably are retarded and there are chances that you suffer from low self-esteem syndrome. Same is the case with books like "Midnights children", Salman rushdie won a booker for it! So does it matter to people like me who thought it was the most nonsenscial book i've ever read, utterly disgusting story and characters. But since, i consider myself to be of higher IQ level i would say to you, man it's one of the most intelligent books ever written by any author either living or dead.

If i say i do not know how to use a loaded gun, then i get classified under the 'Trigger Moron' section of the society, so baby gimme the gun and see the result, consequences of action was never my lookout anyway. I don't care about grammer even tough i call myself a topgrade writer, do i need some guy or girl to tell me i am good at my trade, no! There's a wren and martin book gathering dust on my shelf, it's primary work is to gather dust anyway.

Volitaire said "common sense is not so common", yes it is an uncommon sight these days when people hardly use their brains to find out sense, that's because they use their hands and the bloody mouse, who named it mouse anyway a MORON! to find sense that they primarily lack.

Like the case of people waiting in the line for tickets or in the checkout counter, wish they could buy some grams of decency and most of all common sense, they expect the world for themselves, where else puny humans like us should consider ourselves to be the scum of the waiting line. That's the look we get when we don't budge and give them an easy pass for early exit. Darn! why don't we ever have emergencies like them. There's a dog bleeding on the road, or that kid got a lollypop stuck up his nose, let me go and help that old lady cross the road(even if she doesn't want to), it's such a hard thing to ignore. Give them some leeway will ya!

Do i need to prove my intelligence by giving exams on my memory, or Mensa test for that matter, it's set by another person like me anyway. So what if he knows quantum physics like the back of his hand, bet he cannot shoot peanuts from his nose, like my friend does. That's physics too, aerodynamics, pressure, control etc etc. I can win a nobel prize in physics if i write on "The Dynamics Of Shooting Peanuts Through Your Nose".

I know i am rude so what, do i need you to tell me that i am rude. No, i don't! you can go and check your IQ. I would rather have Ayatollah Khomeini giving me the award for my intelligence, than getting a booker prize from Queen's lawabiding citizens.


litty said...

good ...

K. K said...

Hmm! Lemme think ... "The Dynamics Of Shooting Peanuts Through Your Nose"!

Its not Newton's 3rd law for sure, I'm aware of the 4th law but it got nothin to do with 'Nose'!!!

Fifth Anyone?

Somebody mentioned I.Q here right?
Sorry Kalps!


Parag said...

Rudeboxx -- yeah!!
IQ -- nay!! bingo kris!
decency -- myfoot!!
top grade writer -- yeah.(regrets!)
no need 2 write how t post was!..

n can u please tell ur friend litty tht thr r ppl who want 2 comment first ! ;)

no harms meant!...

one has 2 b careful wit t rudeboxx n her frnds..

Anonymous said...

Damn, You're right, I don't have to tell you you're rude. But I don't think you realize just how much issues you have. You're angry and irrational, chill out man, for your own sake! So what if people are ignorant and lack common sense? You can either ignore it or be fussed about it.

What would you have called a 'mouse' by the way?

Kalpana said...

@ Kris
I never said it's one of the laws of any apple obeserving scientist...but this theory might be applied as a law if it gets put in paper. And regarding IQ i don't care to give a thought to such bullshit tests :).

@ Parag
If you think i'll do what you might as well go and sink an anchor in marina trench, to check the undersea gravity..and spend your life in such pursuits!! :)

@ Steven
I do have issues, but if i start chilling about it, then i might as well emigrate to some Banana Republic. Is democracy for keeps, should we not make a good use of it!! :)

Anonymous said...

I humbly concur...

Vijay Narain said...

Thank you for chkin into my blog as well...Coming to this post,is irrelevant intentionally misspelt ;)??