Thursday, November 30, 2006

Morality Bytes

Morality is a strait jacket of human nature, If morals and conscience were as important to us, we would have been living with Dodo's and the Roof of the world would have been a free place (am talking about Tibet if you don't know what it's called). Weapons as a word would not have been coined if anybody thought about morality, Oh god! what Uncle Sam and Mushy would've done, without their nuclear babies.

Iraq would've had Saddam killing shiites or sunni's , am not very sure who it is and Afghanistan would still have been run by Taliban, Uncle Sam would've got bored had it not been for his world view of 'The Ultimate Jhadoo Pocha to get rid of Terrorism'. Paris Hilton would have been Miss Nobody had it not been for her sense of morality tape! How many of you knew Paris before that, sparing the Eiffel Tower.

Natwar Singh would have been a king of petro dollars, and Ram Jethmalani would have been lauded for being true to his profession. Indian parliament wouldn't have been the same if it had not been for the good men working towards cattle subsidy and running the local train packed tax payers of the so called Tiger economy of the developing world, meanwhile the Dragon is lying low.

Had morality been an issue there would have been more people above poverty line and we wouldn't have had a religious place richer than the Vatican. Satyendra Dubey would have still been remembered for what wrong he did by leaking out the good work done by the moral police. The cart puller wouldn't have aspired for a MMS enabled phone had it not been for the NEWS channels beaming about sex education through MMS during the midnight masala time.

More people watch News channels than watching porn these days, see the good work done by conscience keepers of the society. The country where Zero originated and is heading right towards it, isn't it great, going back to your invention. No man is proud enough than the man who is going back to his roots, it's afterall his choice isn't it?

Morals never fed anyone, the arms dealer would've been another guy from somalia, looking for world peace. North korea wouldn't have been known had it not been for Pakistan helping it out with nuclear energy. See morals and conscience are not good fertilsers for humanity.


litty said...

rocking babe....

Anonymous said...

hey., read ur blog..
i think its well written.. a lot of thought has been put into it..
very cynical at places.. but an apt reality check for all of us today..
good job.. keep it up..

Vijay Narain said...

Nice writing.

Parag said...

Hail da Mature Kalpana!...

Vijay Narain said...
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